A Christmas Tradition

A Christmas Tradition
What a beautiful time of year. Snow has made an appearance and temperatures have dipped into a wintery range. All as it should be here in the beautiful valley of Lake Pepin on the West Coast of Wisconsin.
As I look back over the years at all the holiday celebrations with family and friends, so many heartfelt memories come to mind.
You know what I find interesting as I think about this… I realize it’s about the people and the time together that I remember, never the size or cost of the present or if it was the latest and greatest thing. The season really is about love after all. No matter what faith you follow we can all agree that a celebration of hope, love and family is a very delightful thing. We need that feeling of the holidays, Hallmark movies tell us that every day! Ok, so Hallmark movies might be just a tad sappy, but at the heart of all of them is joy, and celebrating who and what we are and what we love.
I’m thinking that the simple things really are the important things. Like the games played around the dining room table, or the giant puzzle on the coffee table in the living room, or the tradition-filled meals that make you feel that all is right with the world, even for just a moment.
As we gather around the table at the holidays we can come together and just enjoy, laugh, taste the nostalgia of what is in front of us and hope for good things to come. With a belly full of tradition, we can drift off and hope to hear tiny hoofs on the roof or dream of a world filled with peace and hope.
For all of you who make what we do here at Stockholm Pie part of your tradition, thank you. There is no greater blessing than to be chosen to be part of your celebration. We look forward to making something very special for you.