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Celebrate Back to School with Pie

a piece of cake on a plate


It happens every year. August starts to wind down. Days get a little bit shorter. Kids go back to school. 

Wait, what, oh yes. The kids go back to school! For many, it is a serious reason to celebrate. For others, it's all about getting in as many experiences as possible before the fun is over. Either way, pie helps. It helps a lot. It’s a fact, proven by science (ok by asking three people, in the pie shop, but they were very smart, very honest people) that Pie Fixes Everything.

Even going back to school.

To help soothe the sadness of the kids about the impending return of learning, and to help the parents celebrate the impending return to having a life (well except for sports, after school clubs, PTA, etc…) We highly recommend pie.

How about a cream pie – Chocolate Cream, Coconut Cream, Butterscotch Cream, Raisin Sour Cream, and the ever-popular Banana Cream? We know parents and kids can find common ground around a big cream pie and stack of forks. These creamy concoctions of taste perfection are true giant happy pills, we know that remember? Because Pie Fixes Everything. If you need one of these, hop online and order one up to pick up (remember banana cream needs an extra day lead time) Then our cream pie magicians will whip one up for you.

So soon the bus will come, the classroom bell will ring, the locker doors will slam, and the great event of learning will commence. But don’t despair. While you’re here getting that cream pie, pick up a dozen pie cookies. Hide them in the freezer, then when the last kid is out the door and the silence… real, peaceful silence… takes over the house, sit down with a cup of coffee and a pie cookie Your pie cookies. That only you know about. Your pie cookie secret. We won't judge. We promise.

We hope we can be part of your delicious back-to-school season!

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