Grandparents' Day

Grandparents' Day
For many of us our childhood memories are filled with outings with family and the very special times we had to spend with our grandparents. Not all of us were fortunate enough to have that experience but for those of us who did, we were blessed.
I remember my Grandpa Floyd and I taking off to go swimming and row boating at a little lake near their house in Kentucky. It was just him and I. We had a picnic my grandma packed. I don’t remember just what was in that basket, but knowing what my Grandma Dessie usually made, it had to have been great.
Grandparents are special. So special that there is a dedicated day to celebrate them! Sept 10th is the official National Grandparents Day. What could be a better way to commemorate than with pie! It brings back memories of those special times, it takes us back to a simpler time, where home cooking was a real display of love and caring.
Traditional pies like cherry or pecan take us back to that special time with special people. Just think how much a handmade pie would mean to your grandparents! Show them how much those special times meant to you.
Pie is also a great thing to help in creating new memories. Maybe something less conventional like a Butterscotch Pecan or a Double Lemon might be just the thing to help celebrate your grandparents, your chosen families, and all your loved ones!
No matter what the pie is, know that we will handcraft it for you, just like grandma would have made it. All from scratch, all by hand, all real stuff. Because after all… Pie = Love!