Savor it, Every Last Bite

Savor It, Every Last Bite
One of my fondest memories of being a kid was those special nights when we could pull out the tv trays, turn on Disney and eat a pot pie while watching a great movie. It was warm, delicious, and comforting.
What I didn’t know as a kid is just how elevated and awesome that simple idea of a pot pie could be.
Pot pies go waaaay back, actually, the original pies were most likely savory pies. Initially, the crust was simply the vessel used to cook the filling inside of it and later, pie crusts were used as a method to preserve the spiced-meat mixtures that were most commonly used to fill them.
Descended from that humble beginning we now have the pot pie. Boy are we lucky. The basic idea and structure of our famous pot pies are similar to that Sunday night comfort food from my childhood. Just a whole lot better. Big chunks of fresh roasted chicken or beef each enrobed in a delectable gravy filled with veggies and just the right spices. Then take that delightful concoction and wrap it in our world-renowned pie crust and bake it to perfection and… well… it's amazing.
We don’t stop there though. Oh no, we can’t forget our other savory pies. We do an incredible quiche. One of the most popular is our apple sausage quiche, filled with real apples, robust sausage, and cheese. Our classic Quiche Lorraine is a big hit also. For those who can’t do crust or meat, we have the Veggie “Quiche” a delicious, crustless blend of spinach, mushrooms, cream cheese, and eggs that is a huge favorite.
No matter what savory pie you decide on, you can rest assured that it will take you back to a time when simple, delicious food could create such happiness. We love happy.
So, stop in and savor them all. We even have take-and-bake pot pies so you can pop them in the oven at home and get out the tv tray and revel in the deliciousness. Enjoy them all to the very last bite.