Time to Get Cozy

We LOVE this time of year here at Stockholm Pie and General Store.
We love it when folks stop in, all cozy in their sweaters and hats as the temperature starts to cool. Cozy is something we do pretty well around here, after all Stockholm was named the Coziest Winter Small Town in America last year! Along with being named the Best Small Town for the Holidays… we know how to do cozy.
Around here we call it Hygge – the Danish word for “a quality of coziness and comfortable conviviality that engenders a feeling of contentment or well-being.”
The scent of pumpkin and apples, the aroma of mint, cinnamon and nutmeg, and eggnog and chocolate, all the special ingredients that are used in so many of our very special fall and holiday pies. It’s a lot like stepping back into grandma’s kitchen where you are surrounded by delicious scents and tastes. You just feel good, content, and cozy.
We make every pie from scratch for you. Real ingredients, handmade crusts, delicious flavors – all combined by our amazing bakers to make it better than you can imagine. We hear it quite often that our pie is so much like Grandma’s… that is the greatest compliment we can possibly think of.
We would love for you to stop in, cozy up in a corner or on the couch, and fill your senses and your heart with things that make you happy. How about a big cup of real hot chocolate? Pair that with a rich, decadent slice of Chocolate Cream Pie, or the nutty goodness of pecan or that most holiday of flavors - eggnog. Kick back and enjoy your time with friends and reminisce about the good time had and those yet to come.
You are like family to us around here and as the holiday season approaches, we would be honored to be part of your holiday celebrations. We can make you something amazing for Thanksgiving or Christmas.
Visit our website at Stockholmpie.com to see what we can do for you.
Cozy on up with us. We love having you join us.