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Tis the Season

a piece of cake on a paper plate


Tis the season.

That first few flakes of snow or that first Christmas song on the radio does something, something magical. It announces that it "Tis the Season". Tis the season, for sure. Tis the season to give and to share and to spread the cheer of the season far and wide. Tis the season to think about your loved ones, make plans for some special times, and reminisce about all those holiday memories.

For many of us, those memories are accented with the smell of pine, the taste of cinnamon, and the feel of the fire in the fireplace as it warms your hands. The air is filled with the wonders coming from the oven – cookies, fruitcake, and yes, pies… Tis a pie season for sure.

And in this season of celebration, a little decadence is ok. Really it is. Maybe your decedent holiday joy tis the taste of a rich, peppermint infused chocolate. Maybe tis the velvety taste of eggnog, brimming with cinnamon, spice, and everything nice. Maybe tis the nutty delight of pecans or walnuts toasted to perfection. Maybe it’s the citrusy lushness of lemon or lime.

Our memories are all scented with delicious notes of those things that made us feel at home, at peace.

Here at the pie shop, our elves, er… staff are dreaming of crafting that Mint Mocha Brownie pie for you. Or maybe an old-fashioned eggnog custard pie. Or even a rich key lime! Whatever makes your holiday merry, we want to be part of it!

Over the next week, our special Christmas pies will be online, ready to order. We handcraft every one of those just for you, your family, and your friends.

Tis the season and we are so thrilled to be part of your holiday joy!

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